Body Language Shooting

 Here are the pictures picked  from the most recent shooting. Alexandra is the model here, Kiaari Andreea did the make-up and Sorin Popa was the photographer. 
The styling was more spontaneous this time and we all had suggestions for it. I hope you like because I am really pleased with what came out.
Aici sunt fotografiile alese din cadrul celei mai recente sedinte foto. Alexandra a fost modleul nostru, Kiaari Andreea s-a ocupat de make-up , iar Sorin Popa a fost fotograful.
Stylingul de aici a fost mult mai spontan, fiecare dintre noi venind cu cate o idee.
Sper sa va placa si voua, eu personal fiind foarte multumita de ceea ce a iesit!
Photo: Sorin Popa
Model: Alexandra Lazea
Make-up: Kiaari Andreea

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