Why you shouldn’t put your soul into it

So after the Feeric adventure I came back home to another fashion event.

This time Stylished Awards.

As you may know by now, I worked on some editorials for Stylished and the surprise was that  it was going to be a printed magazine.

I really put all my time, heart and soul into it. I enjoyed every bit of it with the bad and the good moments.( too bad you can’t see the making of pictures) But then … it all turned to ashes…. You are asking why… Well…

The event was,hmm  let’s say eclectic. And now I am not being mean, but some people shouldn’t have been there, and the girls could confirm what I am saying. So many wannabes , full of themselves like they just invented the round wheel or something.. It was everything but stylished  … Too many sequins, really really ugly dresses, even gowns; it wasn’t  a black tie event and there was no red carpet either. Nike eyebrows, puffy lips and super teased hairstyles…

But then a glass of wine, maybe two, made it all blurry, so it was better that when I got there… Cheers girls!I had a great company: Miha, Laura, Kiaari, Anto and Alexandra who’s outfit was designed by me, so it wasn’t that bad.. wel until a guy started “rapping” The Thrift shop….ok, nevermind

They said the printed magazine will be available starting from 1st July, as in today. I hope I will get a copy,because I am curious to see how the pictures turned out, and maybe I will get an appology too .

Lesson: Never put your soul in everything you do because not everyone appreciates your devotion.

Dupa superba aventura de la Feeric m-am intors acasa entuziasmata , iar urmatorul eveniment pe lista era Stylished Awards.

Sincer , abia asteptam evenimentul pentru ca a fost un proiect drag mie. Un proiect in care m-am implicat trup si suflet, pentru care am facut multe sacrificii , iar cei cu care am lucrat stiu asta!Din pacate nu toti vad din perspectiva mea lucrurile asa ca dezamagirea mi-o asum.

V-am mai spus cate un indiciu doua trei pe parcursul lunilor…surpriza era ca revista Stylished sa fie si pe print, adica o revista in adevaratul sens al cuvantului. Dar cum un vis frumos nu tine mult, s-a spart si balonul meu.

Marele eveniment care promitea multe a fost de fapt o etalare a tinutelor extrem de neinspirate a celor care au participat. Si acum nu sunt rea deloc, iar fetele pot confirma asta. Rochii de seara cu trena, mult prea mult sclipici si sprancene Nike tatuate, parul tapat si fixat bine cu ciment probabil, si bineinteles, o serie de boticuri cu “atitudine”

Dar dupa un pahar de vin, doua chiar, lucrurile deja parca nu mai erau asa de clare, deci am ignorat peisajul si am incercat sa ma ismt bine in compania prietenelor mele: Miha , Laura, Kiaari si  Anto .AM Band au interpretat cateva piese acustice inainte de decernarea premiilor , iar tinuta Alexandrei probabil ati si recunoscut-o, e din cea mai recenta colectie B.A.D. style.

Pana la urma seara in sine a fost ok, asta pana ce un tip imbracat in costum, tenisi , cu sapca asortata la cravata a inceput sa “cante” The Thrift Shop….. si am fugit la baie….

A ramas ca revista sa apara pe print azi, in 1 Iulie, si sper sa primesc si eu o copie sa vad cum au iesit pozele ca sunt curioasa. Poate primesc si niste scuze pe care le merit…

Morala: Sa nu pui suflet chiar in tot ce faci pentru ca nu toata lumea stie sa aprecieze devotamentul tau!

Fashion bloggers

Miha and Laura

cookies chocolate white

fashion awards

  lace skirt sequin vest

Alexandra wearing an ufit from my latest collection

badstyle outfit singer leather

AM Band on stage- my designer page  displayed on the screen

Cheers drinks party

Kiaari Anto and myself

party bloggers

Anto, Miha, myself, Kiaari

Preview from the next post

sequin dress cateye glasses

One Comment

  1. Imi pare rau ca ai avut parte de o dezamagire 🙁 Asa este mai ales cand pui suflet in ceva, din pacate in viata nu e totul cum ne imaginam noi…

    Te pup


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