Why you need a friendly pharmacy

Even if I don’t usually take medicine, I do buy some things from the pharmacy including creams that I use on my face or body. I also buy different lotions for the baby, like a special nappy cream that I can only get at the pharmacy.


Pharmacies are like doctor’s offices because you go in for a problem, be it small or big, and you want to get out with a solution. Surely the most important thing is being take care of on the spot. A friendly greeting, a nice welcome and helpful advice is highly appreciated. Since the baby arrived, our time is even more limited so as many other shopping chores, I prefer buying from online pharmacies most of the stuff I need. Some special creams like my Fade Out day cream I buy only online because they have special offers. For example you can find a tazorac coupon 2018 that you can use to get a super discount on this very well reputed cream that is usually very very expensive, but it’s not only about that.

Buying from an online pharmacy has many more perks to it. Finding the best deals, offers so you could save more and maybe get the chance to splurge a bit on thing you like rather than things you need. I do encourage fresh moms especially to save up time and money and buy the things they need online. It’s so simple and rewarding too.

But what does it make a pharmacy friendly?

A good UX design that makes everything simple and forward so that you wouldn’t need special assistance. An online chat with a pharmacists would be a great asset too. If you have a brief question about a product just before you decide to buy it, you can easily pop it in the chat box and get the answer fast. I am sure anyone would appreciate such catering. Of course, coupons, deals, offers, free shipping and loyality cards are some other perks people would enjoy. A friendly pharmacy would really be an online platform where anyone could find simple answer to the problems they have. Fast assistance, cater to the client and of course the best prices he could find. Fast shipping and small goodie bags on special occasions like the client’s  B-day and you surely won everyone’s heart.


So after you read about my opinion on friendly pharmacies, will you still go and buy anything from the brick and mortar pharmacy right around the block?  


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