Instagram -week diary

       It’s been such a full week and this is how my summer will probably be too. It;s good that  I can count the things I did  last week by reviewing my instagram photos so that the neex one could be better planned. No that much time for workout:( Bad weather and  no running partner. So this week I should focus more on that. Shame on me. Between sketching for my clients, sewing, and painting clothes, fooling around in traffic jams ,,, I try to find time to cook and workout a bit. We went for a bike ride on the only free day I had, and I enjoyed every second of it! Better days will come! Hope you will have a great week!

A fost o saptamana foarte plina si probabil toata vara va fi la fel. E bine totusi ca pe instagram pot vedea ce am facut in saptamana ce a trecut, si ma pot organiza mai bine in urmatoarea. Am tras chiului la miscare, deci trebuie sa recuperez. Vremea nasoala si lipsa partenerei de alergat au fost o parte din motivele mele. Sa imi fie rusine oricum!

Intre schite, cusaturi si desene pe haine, prosteli in trafic cand e aglomerat, incerc sa imi fac timp si pentru gatit sau putin sport. Singura zi libera, duminica, mi-am petrecut-o pedaland prin padure, pe malul lacului unde aerul e mult mai curat. Mi-am prins foarte bine miscarea si sunt pregatita pentru o noua saptamana. Vin zile mai bune!

deisgner fashion sketch

riding the bike


healthy vegetarian  lunch

car wash nissan juke

white skort flower printbranded fashion cake tiramisu

funny duck face pringles

fashion photoshoot make-up


boho inspired summer outfit


leather lace bra naked palette


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Vote tips:

1. Register to like your queen

2. The one gets more likes will get queen price:

   Black Raider:  $19.99(50%off)

   Sunny Spiker:  $24.99(50%off)

3. Time to vote:  5.135.14

4. Queen will come out on 9:00 AM(GMT), 5.15

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