It’s been such a full week and this is how my summer will probably be too. It;s good that I can count the things I did last week by reviewing my instagram photos so that the neex one could be better planned. No that much time for workout:( Bad weather and no running partner. So this week I should focus more on that. Shame on me. Between sketching for my clients, sewing, and painting clothes, fooling around in traffic jams ,,, I try to find time to cook and workout a bit. We went for a bike ride on the only free day I had, and I enjoyed every second of it! Better days will come! Hope you will have a great week!
A fost o saptamana foarte plina si probabil toata vara va fi la fel. E bine totusi ca pe instagram pot vedea ce am facut in saptamana ce a trecut, si ma pot organiza mai bine in urmatoarea. Am tras chiului la miscare, deci trebuie sa recuperez. Vremea nasoala si lipsa partenerei de alergat au fost o parte din motivele mele. Sa imi fie rusine oricum!
Intre schite, cusaturi si desene pe haine, prosteli in trafic cand e aglomerat, incerc sa imi fac timp si pentru gatit sau putin sport. Singura zi libera, duminica, mi-am petrecut-o pedaland prin padure, pe malul lacului unde aerul e mult mai curat. Mi-am prins foarte bine miscarea si sunt pregatita pentru o noua saptamana. Vin zile mai bune!
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1. Register to like your queen
2. The one gets more likes will get queen price:
Black Raider: $19.99(50%off)
Sunny Spiker: $24.99(50%off)
3. Time to vote: 5.13―5.14
4. Queen will come out on 9:00 AM(GMT), 5.15
Ai avut o saptamana super!Foarte misto schitele!