Shoe addiction

It seems my shoe collection is getting bigger and here in the picture you have probably just one third of the whole bunch. These are my favorite at the moment and I will probably wear them all summer long. I think I will have to get some sandals too even if I am not really a fan, but maybe I will find the pair that make me think differently.
 I will have more posts on my little addictions. What are yours?
Se pare ca mai nou colectia mea de pantofi se mareste treptat, iar in fotografie sunt probably doar un sfert din toti. Acestia sunt favoritii mei pentru vara anului 2012. Mi se par versatili, interesanti si comozi. Cred ca trebuie sa imi achizitionez cateva sandale, dar pentru ca nu sunt mare fan, mai fi greu sa imi gasesc pereche care sa imi schimbe parerea.
Voi mai publica si alte materiale despre miciile mele vicii. Care sunt ale voastre?


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