Trending Fashion Bloggers


Favorite Fashion Bloggers

I am happy to be presenting today two of my favorite bloggers right now!

We are talking about Priscila Alcântara Diniz that always surprises me with interesting and very original looks, not to mention tons of colors and haircuts. I admire her ability to transform her looks and become a different character everytime. Don’t you just love her? Find her here:

The second stylish blogger is Darya Yakovleva, a russian beauty. Very feminine , always with a smile on her face. The way she mixes colors and texture is really amazing and I think anyone can get inspired from her day to day looks. You can check out her blog here:


Bloggerite favorite

Azi va prezint doua dintre bloggeritele mele favorite din acest moment.

E vorba de Priscila Alcântara Diniz  care de fiecare data ma surprinde cu lookurile ei cameleonice, foarte originale. Intra intr-un personaj, alta coafura, alt machiaj, alt stil. O admir foarte mult pentru felul in care se reinventeaza si totusi se vede ca e stilul ei, i se potriveste. O gasiti aici:

A doua este o frumusete  din Rusia, Darya Yakovleva . Extrem de feminina si mereu cu zambetul pe buze, te cucereste din prima clipa. Imi pace felul in care se joaca cu texturi si culori, cred ca oricine isi poate gasi inspiratia in tinutele sale. O gasiti aici

Care e preferata voastra?

Priscila Alcântara Diniz





Darya Yakovleva

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